Anxious for Ushuaia

We made it safe and sound to Buenos Aires! We have had some successful planning and catching up days. We did a bike tour of the city, browsed street fairs (but couldn't buy anything), bought our mate cup and have been working really really hard on storing calories from pizza, empanadas, alfajores (pastries) and vino for the weeks to come. Check out our pics on our photos page!

Some memorable quotes and moments have been:
"We'll just go down this small cliff" -Bike Tour Guide... intending to say "hill"
Sarah inadvertently ordered an apple milkshake (she doesn't speak Spanish yet).
"Two bottles of wine really aren't that much for three people." -Shelley
Nappy nubs - what we call Sarah's current state of dreads.
"I heard the price of ice cream has increased substantially, to 80 pesos per kilo. I´m up to date on my current events." -Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Thanks ladies, keep the updates coming.
    happy trails from Shelley's aunt Marg, who never goes anywhere anymore and looks forward to sharing your adventures from the comfort of home. I think I will stock up on S American wine. cheers!
